Verdiana Bove è natə nel 1996 a Roma, dove attualmente vivə e lavorə. Si diploma presso Rufa - Rome University of Fine Arts nel 2018, completando la suə formazione con il Biennio specialistico in pittura presso l'Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma nel 2021. Alla suə attività espositiva concentrata tra Roma e Milano, affianca la direzione di Karne Magazine dall'inizio del 2020 e la fondazione di CONDOTTO48 (Artist-Run-Space in zona Torre Angela) nel Giugno 2021. La pittura, derivante da una profonda necessità, è il mezzo attraverso il quale mettə a fuoco gli aspetti più rilevanti della sua realtà, a partire da rappresentazioni fotografiche della propria famiglia o da raccolte personali, rappresenta momenti densi di significato, fondendo ricordi reali e un'atmosfera sognante.
Verdiana Bove was born in 1996 in Rome, where she currently lives and works. She graduated from Rufa - Rome University of Fine Arts in 2018, completing her training with the two-year specialist course in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome in 2021. In addition to her exhibition activity concentrated between Rome and Milan, she has also directed Karne Magazine since the beginning of 2020 and founded CONDOTTO48 (Artist-Run-Space in the Torre Angela area) in June 2021. Painting, deriving from a profound need, is the means through which she focuses on the most relevant aspects of her reality, starting from photographic representations of her family or from personal collections, she represents moments full of meaning, merging real memories and a dreamy atmosphere.
Verdiana Bove was born in 1996 in Rome, where she currently lives and works. She graduated from Rufa - Rome University of Fine Arts in 2018, completing her training with the two-year specialist course in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome in 2021. In addition to her exhibition activity concentrated between Rome and Milan, she has also directed Karne Magazine since the beginning of 2020 and founded CONDOTTO48 (Artist-Run-Space in the Torre Angela area) in June 2021. Painting, deriving from a profound need, is the means through which she focuses on the most relevant aspects of her reality, starting from photographic representations of her family or from personal collections, she represents moments full of meaning, merging real memories and a dreamy atmosphere.