Caterina Sammartino (Roma, 1997) laureatə in pittura presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti, è cofondatricə dell’Artist-Run Space CONDOTTO48. Tra le ultime mostre: The Sun at Its Zenith, ERA Gallery, Milano (2024); Shaping grace and disquiet, ERA Gallery, Milano (2024); L’Ombra Lunga, Palazzo Rospigliosi, Zagarolo (2024); PRESENTI, Palazzo Lucarini, Trevi (2023); Botanica, EDDart, Roma (2022); VII Biennale di Viterbo Arte Contemporanea, Viterbo (2022); Materia Nova - Roma nuove generazioni a confronto, Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Roma (2021). Nel suə lavoro predilige l’installazione, utilizzando materiali di origine naturale, ma anche oggetti obsoleti della quotidianità, in un’ottica di connessione con il circostante, che trova la suə espressione nelle opere di canapa e cotone, e nelle azioni performative dalla forte carica simbolica e relazionale.
Caterina Sammartino (Rome, 1997) graduated in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts, is co-founder of the Artist-Run Space CONDOTTO48. Among the latest exhibitions: The Sun at Its Zenith, ERA Gallery, Milan (2024); Shaping grace and disquiet, ERA Gallery, Milan (2024); L’Ombra Lunga, Palazzo Rospigliosi, Zagarolo (2024); PRESENTI, Palazzo Lucarini, Trevi (2023); Botanica, EDDart, Rome (2022); VII Biennale of Viterbo Contemporary Art, Viterbo (2022); Materia Nova - Rome new generations compared, Galleria d’Arte Moderna in Rome (2021). In her work she prefers installation, using materials of natural origin, but also obsolete objects of everyday life, with a view to connecting with the surrounding, which finds its expression in the works of hemp and cotton, and in performative actions with a strong symbolic and relational charge.
Caterina Sammartino (Rome, 1997) graduated in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts, is co-founder of the Artist-Run Space CONDOTTO48. Among the latest exhibitions: The Sun at Its Zenith, ERA Gallery, Milan (2024); Shaping grace and disquiet, ERA Gallery, Milan (2024); L’Ombra Lunga, Palazzo Rospigliosi, Zagarolo (2024); PRESENTI, Palazzo Lucarini, Trevi (2023); Botanica, EDDart, Rome (2022); VII Biennale of Viterbo Contemporary Art, Viterbo (2022); Materia Nova - Rome new generations compared, Galleria d’Arte Moderna in Rome (2021). In her work she prefers installation, using materials of natural origin, but also obsolete objects of everyday life, with a view to connecting with the surrounding, which finds its expression in the works of hemp and cotton, and in performative actions with a strong symbolic and relational charge.